Trunk Request Teaching Trunks Agreement Form "*" indicates required fields Agreement to use The Florida Holocaust Museum’s Teaching TrunkTeacher Name:*School Email:*School Name:*School Address:*School City:*School State:*School District:*School Zip Code:*School Phone:*Home / Mobile Phone:*How did you hear about our teaching trunks?*Please SelectThrough The FHM representativeThrough your school districtOther (please explain)Other (please explain)Number of students trunk will benefit:*Grade:*Number of teachers trunk will benefit:*List additional teacher emails:Title 1 School?* Yes No Underserved Youth?* Yes No School Credit Card number (in case trunk items are missing):*Credit Card expiration date*Trunks can be kept up to 6 weeks:Type of trunk you need (grade level):*Date you need your teaching trunk:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Date you want the trunk shipped back to the Museum:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Delivery Instructions*The Florida Holocaust Museum, Inc (the "Museum") agrees to loan the above-described Teaching Trunk to the Teacher named above. The Teacher agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of this loan as described on the reverse side of this Agreement.Submission Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Terms and Conditions of Teaching Trunk Loan The contents of the Teaching Trunk are described in the inventory list which is sent with the Trunk. If the Teacher has arranged to pick up the Teaching Trunk at the Museum's Offices, the Teaching Trunk must be picked up no later than 4:30 P.M. on the scheduled day. Upon receiving the Trunk, the Teacher must cross-check the items in the Teaching Trunk against the inventory. Within 48 hours after receipt of the Teaching Trunk, the Teacher must notify the Museum by email of any items that are damaged or missing from the Teaching Trunk. If, within this 48-hour period, the Teacher does not notify the Museum of missing or damaged items, all items listed in the inventory will be presumed to be present and in good condition. The Teacher will keep accurate written records of teacher and student use of all materials in the Teaching Trunk. The Teacher will be responsible to return the Teaching Trunk and all inventory items on or before 4:30 P.M. on the scheduled day. Upon return, the Teaching Trunk and all inventory items must be in the same condition that they were in upon delivery of the Teaching Trunk. If any of the inventory items are damaged or missing, the Teacher agrees to reimburse the Museum for the replacement cost. Payment will be due upon receipt of an invoice from the Museum. Late return or excessive wear and tear may also result in suspension of further borrowing privileges. If it is necessary for the Museum to ship the Teaching Trunk, it will be sent via UPS. The Teacher will be required to return the Trunk via UPS according to arrangements made in coordination with the Museum. The Museum covers shipping fees. The Teacher will be responsible for any loss or damage to the Teaching Trunk (unless lost or damaged in transit) and inventory items. The Trunk will be inventoried by the Museum upon its return. The Teacher must notify the Museum prior to shipping the Trunk back about any damaged or missing items or any damage to the Trunk case. The Museum is authorized to utilize the credit card number provided on the Trunk reservation form to reimburse the Museum for replacement or repair of damaged or missing items. The Teacher will be notified about the charges. The Teacher acknowledges that the Teaching Trunk and all inventory items are the property of the Museum. The Teacher agrees to use the contents of the Teaching Trunk as he or she would use his or her own department's materials. The Teacher also agrees to use the materials in compliance with all applicable laws, including federal copyright law. The Teaching Trunk and inventory items may be used only for educational purposes and for no other use without the prior written consent of the Museum. The Teacher understands that the subject matter of the Teaching Trunk materials is a sensitive one. In accepting the Teaching Trunk from the Museum, the Teacher also accepts the responsibility to communicate respect for the topic to his or her students in the treatment of the subject matter and the use of the materials. The Museum shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to property of the Teacher or others, or for death or injury to the Teacher or any person, arising from transporting or otherwise using the Teaching Trunk. Teacher hereby releases the Museum from any claim, loss, liability, damage, or expense which may be incurred by the Teacher as result of the transportation or use of the Teaching Trunk. BY CLICKING SUBMIT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ACCEPT TERMS AND CONDITIONSFor Museum use only:Teaching Trunk number:CAPTCHAUntitledUntitled