Holocaust Education Week
November 4–8, 2024
The Florida Holocaust Museum offers a plethora of resources to Florida teachers as they are planning their activities for Holocaust Education Week. All the resources are free to schools across the state. With any questions, contact our Education Department at education@thefhm.org.
Q&A with Holocaust Survivor Jackie Albin
Overview: On Thursday, November 7, 2024, teachers and students joined The FHM online for a live Q&A with Holocaust Survivor Jackie Albin. Register to watch a recording of the program.
Teacher Training
On-demand taped workshops: Many of our teacher trainings are taped and educators across the state can watch them at their convenience through our online library of workshop recordings. After watching each workshop or attending a live training, educators can receive a certificate of completion. Visit our Teacher Training page to learn more about our upcoming training opportunities and register for on-demand videos.
Curriculum Portal
Access primary-source based curriculums for your classroom on The FHM’s free Curriculum Portal. Guide your students through curriculums based on The Florida Holocaust Museum exhibitions, historical events, and primary sources. Educators can sign up for free access every school year on our website.
Virtual Library for Holocaust Education
Audiobooks and e-books from our Virtual Teaching Trunks can be checked out by teachers and students on their devices or accessed on a smartboard in the classroom at no cost. Sign up for free access on our website.
Teaching Trunks
Offered in both actual and virtual formats, the dynamic teaching trunk curriculum is designed to accommodate the needs of one class or a team of teachers. Traditional teaching trunks can be shipped to any school in Florida at no cost – for more information click here. The audiobooks and e-books from our Virtual teaching Trunk can be checked out by teachers and students on their devices or accessed on a smartboard in the classroom at no cost – for more information follow this link.
Across Generations: Conversations with Survivors and their Descendants
Educators can schedule a virtual meeting with a Holocaust Survivor, second-generation speaker (an adult child of a Survivor), or third generation speaker (an adult grandchild of a Survivor). To book a speaker, place a request online.
Virtual Tours
The FHM’s Virtual Tour is free and available for educators, students, and the public. Visit the Virtual Tour of The Florida Holocaust Museum’s Permanent Exhibition on our website to take a free self-guided tour. We offer Docent-Led Virtual Tours of The Florida Holocaust Museum’s Permanent Exhibition at no cost to school groups. Virtual Tours are appropriate for students in the FIFTH GRADE or above. Several teachers can combine their classrooms and join the tour at the same time. Docent-Led Virtual Tours of our permanent exhibition are around 45-minutes long and must be scheduled in advance. To schedule a Virtual Tour for your school, you must complete and submit a VIRTUAL TOUR REQUEST FORM.
Traveling Exhibitions
For teachers who are introducing Holocaust history to their students for the first time or for more advanced studies, the “Witness to History” exhibition features stories of Holocaust survivors who live in Florida. This exhibition is accompanied by a Teacher’s Guide and can be accessed online or brought to a school at no cost.