Whoever Saves a Single Life
Whoever Saves a Single Life… Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust showcases some of those rare – but exceedingly important – instances where people fought to safeguard their Jewish fellow citizens during the Holocaust. In a time of overwhelming death and destruction, rescuers did not stand by silently. They chose another way, and their bravery offers us a glimmer of hope.
Whoever Saves a Single Life… Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust is a non-linear exhibit, arranged thematically rather than chronologically, and is accessible to a variety of individuals, from middle school students to adults.
The exhibition focuses on the following 12 topics/themes:
- History of the Holocaust
- The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous and its mission
- Webs of Survival: Rescue Networks
- Taking Action: Young Rescuers
- Faith in Action: Religious Rescue
- Shielding Our Citizens: Rescue in Denmark
- Outwitting Evil: Ingenuity in Rescue
- Against All Odds: Rescue in the Camps
- From Words to Deeds: Americans in Europe
- Defying Orders: Rescue in Uniform
- Precarious Life: Shelter and Hiding
- Envoys of Humanity: The Diplomats