Resolution Update
On Monday, we asked for your help in opposing a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Israel’s defensive war against Hamas, which was scheduled to come before today’s St. Petersburg City Council meeting.
Your response was overwhelming. City Council received more than 100 emails in opposition to the resolution. Many of you also showed up to the meeting prepared to speak with us in opposition.
We’re happy to report that the resolution was withdrawn by its author, Councilmember Richie Floyd, as the meeting began. This result would not have been achieved without the community’s effort.
Regardless of when or if the resolution will be reintroduced, this victory is a testament to the power of being an Upstander. It was only possible because so many of you chose to participate. You channeled one of the most important lessons of the Holocaust: Upstanders take positive action, regardless of circumstance.
Speaking of Upstanders, we extend our thanks to the Councilmembers who provide us with unwavering support.
We hope this result catalyzes more action from all of us, not just if the resolution comes back but on future issues big and small. Antisemitism isn’t going away anytime soon, and it’s only by actively confronting it – every time – that we will succeed.
We’ll keep you updated on the status of the resolution. Thank you for showing up for our community and our city.