The Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg Issues Statement Regarding the George Floyd Exhibit at the Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center in Orlando
The Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg Issues Statement Regarding the George Floyd Exhibit at the Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center in Orlando The Florida Holocaust Museum Executive Director Elizabeth Gelman and Chairman of the Board Michael Igel today issued the following statement: “The Florida Holocaust Museum, located in St. Petersburg, is a separate institution that is not affiliated with the Holocaust Memorial Resource Center of Florida in Orlando, which recently opened a new exhibit related to George Floyd. “For decades, The Florida Holocaust Museum has honored the memory of millions of innocents who suffered or died in the Holocaust, and we believe no comparisons should be made between other historical or current events and the Holocaust. “As a non-partisan educational institution focused on the Holocaust and its lessons, we remain dedicated to teaching the inherent worth and dignity of all human life in order to prevent future genocides.”